General Information

Round punch sets are divided into hydraulic and manual types. It is generally used in many sectors such as Electricity, Electronics, Automation, Metal, Textile, Construction, Automotive in our country. Our high-tech punches provide maximum efficiency to the user with their high drilling capacity. Our punches allow you to drill the desired hole in the painted metal sheets cleanly, without burrs and without removing the paint. In addition, special sizes can be produced upon your order. 


It is used in all sectors where a clean and burr-free hole is required in a sheet metal. Our high-tech punches provide maximum efficiency to the user with their high drilling capacity. There are 2 alternatives for using our punches with manual wrench or hydraulic system. Where the hydraulic system is unsuitable for use, the desired holes are drilled using the manual key system. Punch sets consist of 2 parts as male and female molds. We get the clean burr-free hole we need by clamping and cutting the sheet between the male and female mold, provided that a key or hydraulic bolt is used in the guide hole that is pre-centered and opened to the sheet metal.

A hydrological system is required for longer-lasting use of punches and bolts in high-volume cuts.